Gist of discussions in SCOA 23rd SCOVA meeting on 23/09/2013

20.09.2013 MOS Sh V. Narayanasamy took the chair at 4.00 PM. Joint Secy. DOP &PW Welcomed the Minister, officers from different departments / Ministries & the SCOVA members. After JS welcome address introduction of members & officers started .S.C. Maheshwari Genl. Secy. BPS while introducing himself pointed out to the Minister  that while BPS was thankful to the minister for increasing frequency of SCOVA meetings, organization will   be grateful if  instead of few hours at least one full day is earmarked for these meetings and that a system need to be put in place to lay down as to what  type & numbers of items will be accepted for inclusion in SCOVA Agenda. After introduction the MOS addressed the meeting highlighting the  work of the DOPPW & the important circulars issued in the recent past.  He assured that pensioners issues will be dealt on priority by his Ministry.  
  Final ATR on 22nd SCOVA meeting was then taken up for review. Lively discussion followed each item members expressed their concern over the delay in issuing revised PPOs representatives of every Ministery/Department tried to blame pensioners for the delay stating that they were  not gtiings details from pensioners & sought assistance of Pensioners’ Associations. MOS however directed all departments/ministries to suo-motto issue PPOS to all pensioners within the  target dates.
Commenting on item No2 of ATR i.e. revision of exgratia to cpf/srpf retirees, Secy. Genl. BPS pointed out that the amount of ex-gratia of Rs 645/- per month was too little for the survival of a person. Secy DOPPW retorted that these retirees were not pensioners. Secy. Genl BPS pointed out that these retirees too have a right to survive but no positive reaction could be evoked from official side or the honorable Minister. Position of items 3to 9 remained the same as given in the ATR .However, While discussing item9 of ATR it was pointed out that the M/O Rlys was still not uploading on their website all the orders & circulars issued by Rly.Bd.
Regarding item 10 & 11 of the ATR regarding anomaly in fixation of pension to DOT employees &merger of78% IDA with basic pension benefit to the absorbed BSNL Pensioners, after discussion it was decided that the department of Telecommunication will put up positive proposals by 30.09.2013.

Discussion on new Ageneda items:

Item No1 position as given under comments was agreed-item closed.
Item 2.Members were informed that DOE has not agreed. However, on the insistence of members, item kept open.
Item3.while discussing this item following was brought to the notice of the Minister
(1)That though quiet a number of buildings are lying vacant over the Indian Rlys but inspite of the fact that Pensioners Associations are ready to pay the rent,  vacant accommodation is not being allotted to them & that some Rly. Divisions do not accept pensioners associations to be the welfare organizations.  Honorable Minister took note of it.
(2) That  several items submitted by the members for inclusion in SCOVA agenda were forwarded by  DOP &PW vide their letter dated 23.8.2013 to the concerned Ministries/ Departments for direct reply but no replies have been received & that departments generally do not reply
(3) That inspite of repeated assurance given in earlier SCOVA meetings M/O Rlys is not uploading on its website the circulars/orders issued by different Directorates of Rly Board neither these are circulated to SCOVA members

(4)That though as per Indian Rly Master circular on Pension Adalat. Pension Adalat at Divisional level are to be conducted quarterly but these instructions are not being followed & that SCOVA members are not being informed about the date/place of Adalat and the Agenda


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