INDWF meeting on 7th CPC reg

Indian National Defence Workers Federation

INDWF/7th CPC/002/2014
Dt. 09.05.2014
All affiliates of INDWF

Dear Affiliates,
The 7th CPC has circulated the questionnaire to all Federations/Unions and Associations and all stake holders and to the Ministries and Departments under Govt. of India; to response to the 7th CPC questionnaire by 9th May 2014. On receipt of this, the National Council JCM Staff Side met on 6th and 7th May 2014 at Delhi and discussed the issues. After due discussion, a consolidated report has been prepared on the questionnaire and has been forwarded to the 7th Pay commission on behalf of the JCM National Council constituents, in which the INDWF is also a constituent Organisation and submitted the same by Indian National Defence Workers Federation.
The National Council JCM has requested the 7th CPC to consider the proposal on behalf of entire Govt. Employees, irrespective of the proposals given by the unions/association. We have also on behalf of the Staff Side National Council JCM requested to extend the period for submission of the memorandum by the respective unions/Federations and Associations up to 30 June 2014.

However the Staff Side JCM National Council has decided to submit their proposal on pay and allowances as well as pensionary benefits etc. by 31.05.2014.

You are requested to forward the reply to 7th CPC questionnaire from your union directly addressed to the Secretary 7th CPC as submitted by National council and Federation. However you are free to include your view also. A copy of the same should be forwarded to the federation positively. (Copy of the Questionnaire is posted to your email and indwfblog  Moreover, we have decided to hold Directorate wise meeting to prepare the proposals and after that a consolidated memorandum will be finalized. The final proposal will be submitted to the 7th CPC on or before 30th June 2014 by the Federation.

The directorate wise discussion will be held at Delhi on the following dates:

01NAVY15 June 2014Sunday
02ARMY (All Dirt. Including MES, AOC,EME)16 & 17 June 2014Monday Tuesday
03DGOF18 June 2014Wednesday
04DGQA & DGAQA19 June 2014Thursday
05Air Force20 June 2014Friday
06DRDO21 June 2014Saturday
07DGAFMS21 June 2014Saturday

The compilation of all the directorate wise proposals and preparation of consolidated memorandum will be finalised between 24th to 29th June 2014 at Delhi and will be submitted on 30.06.2014.
You are requested to prepare the proposals before the directorate wise meeting and forward it to Federation. Please carry a copy of proposal prepared by your union while coming to attend the directorate wise meeting.

The copy of reply to the questionnaire of 7th CPC will guide you to prepare the proposal. Read carefully and incorporate the views of National council in your proposal.

The respective Leader/Secretary and members of the Staff Side JCM’s should take the responsibility on collection of the proposals and prepare the document to be considered by the federation for submission to the 7th CPC.

Kindly prepare the documents and attend the meeting at, JCM House, New Delhi, on the date given above for each directorate.

Yours sincerely,
General Secretary


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