Court cases regarding pension by employees who were temporary at the time of resignation.

No. C-18013/4/2013 -EC VI/643-58
Government of India
Directorate General
Central Public Works Department
Nirrnan Bhavan, New Delhi,
Dated June, 2014

Subject: Court cases regarding pension by employees who were temporary at the time of resignation.

In a court case for grant of pension for employee who was at the time of resignation from service of Central Government, the court ordered for grant of pension-where as per rules, prior to 1988, temporary employees were not eligible for pension. Brief of the case is enclosed for perusal. To process this case, Ministry has desired following information:-

(i) How many such are pending in courts under your region? 
(ii) Is there any precedent case in under region where pension has been allowed to a temporary employee before 26.2.1988? 
(iii) What would be the financial implication on allowing pension and to all other persons similarly placed? 

You are therefore, requested to collect information from zones under your jurisdiction and furnish the same as to the directorate within one month.

(B.B. Makkar)
Chief Engineer (HQ)


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