361 Various posts at Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL)

Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) has released a notification for the recruitment of Project Engineer, Project Officer, and Project Trade Assistant Posts on 25/01/2024. The notification announces 361 vacancies on a contract basis. Candidates' workplace will be at BDL Project Office located in Telangana State, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to attend the interview. Interested candidates can review the eligibility criteria and apply online from 24/01/2024 to 14/02/2024.

Positions : Project Engineer, Project Officer, Project Trade & Diploma Assistant

Educational Qualification:

  1. Project Diploma Assistant: Diploma (3 years) or equivalent course in the relevant discipline.
  2. Project Engineer: BE/B.Tech / B.Sc Engg (4 years) / Integrated M.E./M.Tech. course or equivalent (60%) in the concerned discipline.
  3. Project Officer: MBA / MSW / CA / ICWA or PG Diploma with relevant work experience.
  4. Project Trade Assistant: ITI in relevant discipline with NAC or equivalent.
  5. Project Office Assistant: Diploma in Computers and Commercial Practice (DCCP) / DCP course.
  6. Project Assistant: B.Com / BA or CA / ICWA or any degree in Science/ Economics with a 1-year diploma course in Financial Management with a minimum of 6 months Computer Course in Office Applications.

Post Date: 25/01/2024

No of Vacancies: 361

Place: Bangalore, Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Telangana

Pay Scale: Salary will be offered to the selected candidates. Check the pay scale below.

  1. Project Diploma Assistant: 25000 – 29500
  2. Project Engineer/Officer: 30000 – 39000
  3. Project Trade Assistant: 23000 – 27500

Age Limit (14/02/2024): Candidates should satisfy the maximum age limit to be eligible for the posts. Check the age limit below. Age Relaxation is applicable as per the rules. Age relaxation for SC – 05 Years / ST – 05 Years / OBC (NCL) – 03 Years.

  1. Project Assistant / Project Diploma Assistant / Project Trade Assistant: 28 years

Selection Process: The selection will be based on Walk-in-Interview

Application Fee: Candidates have to pay the application fee. Check the fee details below.

  • Project Engineer / Project Officer (UR / OBC(NCL) / EWS): 300/-
  • Project Diploma Assistant / Project Trade Assistant / Project Assistant / Project Office Assistant (General / EWS / OBC (NCL)): 200/-
  • SC / ST / PWBD / Ex-SM Candidates: Nil

Important Dates Apply online on the given dates. Candidates can check out the interview details below. Candidates are requested to appear for the interview on the given date & time at the end of this article.

  • Start Date to Apply Online: 24/01/2024
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 14/02/2024


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