FAQ related to R&R and DC Division of DOPT

  1. What is Surplus Cell?Ans. The Section which is looking after the Surplus Staff in the DOPT is called Surplus Cell.
  2. What is the meaning of Surplus employees?Ans. Surplus employees means the Central Civil Servants (other than those employed on adhoc, casual, work-charged or contract basis) who-(a) are permanent or, if temporary, have rendered not less than five years' regular continuous service ; and(b) have been rendered surplus alongwith their posts from Ministries, Departments, Offices of the Government of India, as a result of —(1) administrative and financial reforms, including, inter-alia, restructuring of an organization, zero base budgeting, transfer of an activity to a State Government, Public Sector Undertaking or other autonomous organization, discontinuation of an on-going activity, and introduction of changes in technology ; or(2) studies of work measurement undertaken by the Staff Inspection Unit of the Ministry of Finance or any other body set up by the Central Government or the Ministry/Department concerned ; or (3) abolition or winding up either in whole or in part of an organization of the Central Government.
  3. What is Surplus Roll?Ans. Rolls means the list of surplus staff currently under redeployment or readjustment through the Cell.
  4. What is the scheme for redeployment of Surplus Employees?Ans. The instructions in this regard are contained in DOPT's O.M. No.1/18/88-CSIII dated 1/4/1989.
  5. What are the rules to regulate redeployment of Surplus Employees?Ans. It contains in Notification No.1/14/89-CS.III dated 28/02/1990.
  6. Whether the Surplus Employees are retrenched at the end of 6 months of un-redeployment?Ans. No, there is no such provision after 1.4.1989.
  7. What is O.M. No. I/1/2002-CSIII dated 26/3/2002?Ans. This OM contains steps for identifying surplus staff for their transfer to the Surplus Staff Establishment and their disposal.
  8. How many Associations are recognized by R&R and DC Division?Ans. At present five Associations are recognized by this Division i.e(i) Central Secretariat Clerical Service Association(ii) Central Secretariat Non-Gazetted Employee Union(iii) Central Secretariat Stenographers Service Association (iv) Central Government Staff Car Drivers Association(v) Central Secretariat Stenographers (Gazetted) Association.
  9. What are the rules governing recognition, de-recognition of Service Association?Ans. Recognition - derecogntion is governed by the CCS(RSA) Rules 1993.
  10. How the election for Office Bearers is held and is it hold under the supervision of Govt?Ans. The instructions regarding election is laid down in O.M. No.2/5/94-JCA dated 28.7.1994. Government associate with the election process only if so requested by the association.
  11. What is the tenure of the members of the Departmental Council?Ans. As per Order No.I /2/2008-CS-IV dated 27.7.2009 term of staff of the Departmental Council is three years.
  12. How the seats in the Departmental Council is distribute amongst the Service Association?Ans. As per clause 5(C) Note 1, 2, 3 & 4 of the Constitution of the Departmental Council the Chairman of the Council distribute the seats on the basis of respective strength of the Association.


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