General Provident Fund News : PAN No. Updation Status for GPF Subscribers

No.ITD-CGA/07-11/GPF-MIDS/Pt. file III/868-925
Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
Office of the Controller General of Accounts
Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market
New Delhi —110003
(IT. Division)

Office Memorandum

Dated October 21, 2012

Reference is invited to this office OM of even no. 673-708 dated 14.09.2012, vide which all the Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs were requested to direct all the PAOs under their administrative control to update the General Information (GI) data of all the GPF subscribers in COMPACT with their Date of Birth, Date of Joining Government Service, Date of Superannuation and PAN allotted by Income Tax Department so that the multiple accounts of GPF subscribers could be mapped and Unique IDs could be allotted to all the Account holders.

2. However, on verification from the report available on e-Lekha, It has been observed that the GI data has been updated only by very few PAOs. The multiple accounts of GPF subscribers could be mapped only after receipt of the complete information.

3. Pr.CCA/CCA/CA may instruct all the PAOs under their payment control to update the GI data urgently so that this office may take steps towards allotment of Unique IDs to the individual GPF subscribers. It may be ensured that all the GPF account numbers are maintained through GPF module of COMPACT only by the respective PAOs.

4. A report to check the status of updation of GI data by the PAOs is available on e-Lekha. The Controller level user of e-Lekha can view this report viz., ‘PAN No. Updation Status for GPF Subscribers’, under sub module MIS-8 of e-Lekha.


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