7th Pay Commission for Central Government Employees, when to expect it

The VI Central Pay Commission has come and gone and now the Central Government Employees are looking forward to the VII CPC. In most likely scenario, the Commission to foresee and prepare the VII CPC will be appointed by the Government before going to the Polls in 2014. This Commission in all probability will be chaired by a retired Justice of Supreme Court.

The Government employees are surfing the net in search of any news of the 7th Pay Commission. It has to be mentioned here that any news or pay scales available on the net are false and misleading. Please bear in mind that nobody has the authority or expertise to foresee what the pay commission will formally grant to the Central Government employees. Therefore any such news or payscale given on the net is false and based on pure hypothesis.
Many of employees have a single question, will the 7th CPC be implemented? The answer for that is Yes, why because the Pay Commissions are implemented by an ordinance of the Government of India and as per the present laws, it is imperative on the ruling Government, whosoever is in power to formulate the Pay structure of the Central Government employees including the Defence and the Railways every 10 years.


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