Revised eligibility of CDA/ IDA pay for availing LTC by BSNL employees

The issue of revising the eligibility of CDA/IDA pay for availing LTC by BSNL employees has been examined in this office as per existing provisions applicable for employees of BSNL before revision of their scales on CDA & IDA pay and revised eligibility of CDA/ IDA pay for TA/DA notified by EF Branch vide their O.M. No. 7-6/2006-EF/Vol.II(Pt.) dated 08.09.2010 and its corrigendum dated 21.09.2010.

2. Accordingly, the eligibility of IDA /CDA pay of BSNL employees for regulating their claims of LTC Bills is given in the Annexure I & II.
3. However, the regulatory conditions will remain the same as applicable to BSNL employees before revision of CDA / IDA pay scales.
4. This will take effect from the date of issue of this letter. (i.e. the rates / eligibility criteria shown in the letter are applicable for the journeys performed on or after the date of issue of this letter). LTC cases already settled prior to this date need not be re-opened.


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