Fixation of pay of disabled/medically unfit running staff on being appointed against alternative (stationary) posts in revised (6th CPC) pay structure

No. E(NG)I-2008/RE-3/4
New Delhi, dated 30.04.2013
The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways and
 Production Units.
(As per standard list).

Sub:- Fixation of pay of disabled/medically unfit running staff on being appointed against alternative (stationary) posts in revised (6th CPC) pay structure. 

Reference Railway Boards letter No.E(NG)I-96/RE-3/9(2) dated 29.04.1999 containing procedure for absorption of disabled / medically unfit Railway servant in alternative employment, framed pursuant to the enactment of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act-1995.

2. Consequent upon Implementation of revised pay structure inter-alia involving merger of various pre-revised scales and comprising running Pay bands and Grade Pay based on recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission, a question has arisen regarding methodology for fixation of pay of medically unfit running staff on being posted/appointed against stationary posts. The matter has, accordingly, been considered by the Ministry of Railways recommendations of a Committee constituted for the purpose; it has been decided that while determining pay in Pay Band for the purpose of fixation of pay of medically unfit running staff in alternative (stationary) post, an account equal to such percentage of basic pay (pay in Pay Band + Grade Pay) representing pay element of running allowance as may be in force from time to time may be added to the existing pay in Pay Band and the resultant figure (ignoring the fraction of rupee, if any) rounded off to the next multiple of 10, would be the pay in the pay band in the alternative post with no change in the Grade pay of substantive post, in suitable alternative post. An illustration in this regard is enclosed as Annexure-I.

3. For this purpose, Para 1307 and 1308 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I, (Revised Edition-1988) First Re-print Edition-2009 may be amended as per Advance Correction Slip No.224 enclosed as Annexure-II.

4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.


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