Issue of Identity Cards to Central Government pensioners

No. 41/21/2000-P&PW(D)
Government of India
Ministry of Persormel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare
Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market
New Delhi — 110003 
Dated, the 16th November, 2000
Subject;- Issue of Identity Cards to Central Government pensioners

The undersigned is directed to say that the Parliamentary Standing Committee on MHA in para 26 of its 60th report has inter-alia recommended that Government should favourably conisder on priority the desirability of issuing Identity Card on retirement to each Central Government employee. The recommendations are reproduced below:-

"26.2 The Committee feels that it would be in fitness of things if the civilian employees are also issued Identity Cards indicating the details such as last post held before retirement, pay scale of the post last held period of service rendered etc. which the retired employee can carry on his person for identification as and when needed.
26.3 The Card may also include on the reverse the retired employee's Blood Group, his residential address and telephone number, if there is one.
26.4 The Committee strongly recommend that the Government should favourably consider on priority the desirability of issuing such cards on retirement to each Central Government employee."

2. The recommendations made by the Parliamentary Standing Committee has been carefully examined. It has been decided that I. Cards will be issued by various Ministries/Departments/offices to its retired/retiring employees and the expenditure on providing a laminated I.Card will be borne by the pensioner. This Department has devised a format in which I.Cards are to be issued to pensioners (specimen enclosed). It will be the responsibility of the concerned Ministry/Department to work out the expenditure that may be involved in issuing a laminated I.Card to pensioner and the card may be issued at the request of the pensioner on costrecovery bard

3. Ministry of Agriculture etc. are requested to take in-gent necessary action in this regard.

4. Hindi version of the O.M. is enclose:

(A.K. Lahiri)
Under Secretary to the Govt of  India

MINISTRY OF......................
Space for Res. Address:
Photograph Telephone No:
Blood Group:

Signature of card holder
Signature of Issuing
With seal


Date of birth/superarumation*
Post held on Retirement/pay --scale* 
Last pay/average emoluments* 
Qualifying service
Pension originally sanctioned 
P.P.O. No. and date
* in brackets



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