Confederation calls for protest against PFRDA bill when taken in parliament

1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001
As you are aware, Central Government is going ahead with their agenda on pension privatization. The controversial PFRDA Bill (Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Bill) is listed as an agenda item for the current Parliament session. The bill may be taken up for discussion in Parliament on any day. Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers has opposed the Contributory Pension Scheme and also the PFRDA Bill from the very beginning.
We have conducted so many agitational programmes including strike. The left parties in the parliament have also strongly opposed the Bill. In spite of the opposition from employees (both Central Government and State Government Employees & Teachers) and also from left political parties, the Central Government is not ready to withdraw the contributory Pension scheme or to scrap the PFRDA Bill.
The National Secretariat of the Confederation has viewed the move of the Government with grave concern and decided to call upon the entirety of the Central Government Employees & Workers to organize mass protest demonstration in front of all offices throughout the country after walking out from offices for two hours, on the day when the bill is taken up for discussion in Parliament or on the next day if information is received late.
All India office bearers, State level COCs and other COCs are requested to make the two hours walk out programme a grand success.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General


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