Official / LTC air travel : Relaxation of instruction on compulsory Air India travel

No. AV.18011/05/2012-AI
Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Civil Aviation/ Nagar Vimanan Mantralaya
Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport
New Delhi-110003, dated : 27.09.2013
Subject: Air Travel on official account — Relaxation of government instructions regarding.

Ministry of Finance (MoF) vide O.M. No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 13.7.2009 inter alia envisaged that in all cases of air travel, both domestic and international, where the Government of India bears the cost of air passage, the officials concerned may travel only by Air India. For travel to stations not connected by Air India, the officials may travel by Air India to the hub/ point closest to their eventual destination, beyond which they may utilize the services of another airline etc. Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) vide O.M. No.31011/2/2006- Estt.(A) dated 27th July, 2009 (Click here to get this Office Memorandum) had extended the applicability of the MoF’s instructions for LTC purposes. MoF directed that in all cases of deviation of above instructions etc. individual cases be referred to the Ministry of Civil Aviation for relaxation.

2. Ministry of Civil Aviation has been receiving a number of requests for consideration of blanket/ general permission on routes where Air India does not provide service. The matter has been examined in this Ministry in consultation with MoF, D/o Expenditure, DGCA and Air India and it has been decided to extend general/ blanket relaxation to travel by airlines other than Air India for official purposes/ LTC or TA on sectors where Air India does not provide service as given in Annexure-I, subject to condition that whenever Air India or its subsidiaries start operating on any sector(s) given in Annexure-I, this sanction shall become null and void for that particular sector(s) for the period of operation of flights by Air India or its subsidiaries on that sector(s) or until further orders/ updation on routes.

3. The purchase of air ticket would be continued as per Ministry of Finance’s O.M.No.19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 16.09.2010 i.e. (a) either from AI’s website or booking counter or (b) through government authorised travel agents namely M/s Balmer & Lawrie & Co., M/s Ashok Travel & Tours, and IRCTC (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DoP&T OM No.31011/6/2002-Estt.(A) dt.02.12.09). Before booking a ticket, the updated routes available on Air India’s official web-site [] be consulted for operation of any AI flight or its subsidiaries flight on any of 37 routes and obtain a printout of it, for settling T.A claim.  While settling the T.A claim, the officer/official concerned would also give an undertaking that the ticket(s) have been bought at the lowest fare available on the day of booking.

4. As per MoF, D/o Expenditure’s instructions, individual cases for relaxation for sectors/city pairs not covered in Annexure-I, may continue to be sent to Ministry of Civil Aviation for obtaining relaxation/ approval.
(Deepak Israni)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India


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