9702 posts lying vacant in KVS.

18, Institutional Area Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,
NEW DELH1-110016

F.No.11046/2/2013/ KVS(HQ) (E.II)/SHT 
Dated: 01.11.2013

Although process of the recruitment for the year 2011-12 has been completed in KVS but the Primary Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers could not be posted as the operation of select panel for the year 2011-12 is sub-judice and process for the recruitment against vacancies for different categories of teachers for the year 2012-13 & 2013-14 is on the way.

Owing to which most of the VMC Chairman of Kendriya Vidyalaya’s/some Hon’ble MPs and most of the eminent persons from various corners i.e. defence sector/public undertaking/higher learning institutions/district magistrate from civil sector are pressing hard for filling up the 9702 posts which are lying vacant in KVS.

Keeping the facts and compelling situation as stated supra in view, the competent authority, KVS has decided to be kept in abeyance the process of forwarding of applications/further extension on deputation to other departments in respect of teaching & non-teaching staff of KVs/KVS ROs and HQ upto May 2014 so that atleast the services of the KVS teaching & non- teaching staff can be utilized in the interest of the students who have been enrolled in their respective Kendriya Vidyalayas for their future better prospect.

Hence, all the DCs of KVS, ROs are hereby requested that applications for deputation in other departments in r/o teaching/non-teaching staff working under their jurisdiction may not be forwarded upto May 2014 in the interest of KVS so that studies of the students do not suffer and work of KVs, KVS, ROs & HQ may effective efficiently.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Yours faithfully,


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