Admittance of Ex India claims in r/o Army officers and JCO/ ORs.

Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
No. ADIV/4462/Ors/Vol .X.
dated: 11/07/2013
All PCsD s /CsDA 
PCoA (F s) Ko1kata 
Sub: Admittance of Ex India claims in r/o Army officers and JCO/ ORs.

Ref: This office Important Circular even dated: 4th Jan' 2013 
In continuation to the HQrs office Important Circular of even No. dated: 4th Jan'2013, widespread discrepancy and ambiguity in dealing with the Ex-India claims in respect of Army officers, JCO/ORs and Defence Civilians have come to the notice to the HQrs office.
In order to resolve the above issues and ambiguity in the environment regarding the passage and Ex-India Claims and to streamline the claims pertaining to deputation, training courses, temporary duty and permanent postings involving drawal of advances or otherwise the following distribution has been approved by the competent authority.

Ex India claim in r/oCourse of action proposed
i)Army officers claiming TA/DA while proceeding abroad.PCDA (O) Pune may sanction the advance and watch the adjustment/recovery thereof.
ii)PBOR's claiming TA/ DA while proceeding abroad.Respective PAO's where the IRLA of the PBOR is being maintained, may sanction the advance and watch the adjustment/recovery thereof.
iii)Defence Civilians claiming TA/DA while proceeding abroadRespective PCsDA/CsDA from where the ndividual is drawing his Pay and Allowances.
vi)All claims in r/o Army officers, JCOs/ORs and Defence Civilians where Ex-India posting is not involved, e.g deputation, long term course, Joint Exercise etc.May be dealt by PCDA, New Delhi as per the HQrs office Circular dated: 4th Jan' 2013.
Supplementary claims received where the earlier claim was admitted by some other office may be forwarded to that particular office for linking and auditing of the same.
vii)Para 242 and 243 of Defence Audit Code amply clarifies the term "Air Passage" as the Exchange Orders from the airlines for the Ex-India claims in rio Army Personnel/ Defence Civilians to be centrally dealt by PCDA, New Delhi and not the other incidental charges associated with the Ex India claims.PCDA, New Delhi may continue to deal with Ex-India Air Passage claims in r/o Army personnel and defence Civilians as stipulated in Para 242 of Defence Audit Code.

This issues with the approval of the CGDA. 
(R.K Sinha)


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